The Board, which has over 100 years ofwith significant experience in mining and natural resources development, financing and corporate management, aims to utilise this experience knowledge in executing its strategy and deliver shareholder value. The focus is on “strategic metals” as defined by the US and EU with additional polymetallic and gold projects also being considered. The primary geographic is Southern Africa and the Americas although individual projects will be assessed on their own merits.
The Board believes there is significant opportunity in the high value critical metal space as demand increases and supply constraints are accentuated. Critical metals demand is being driven by both the traditional sectors, including high tech manufacturing and defence, as well as fast growing developing markets including wind turbines, electric vehicles, next generation batteries, solar cells and energy efficient lighting.
Through its extensive contact base, the Company is actively evaluating opportunities in commodities including tantalum, niobium, antimony, copper, cobalt and rare earth elements.

Executive Director
Non-executive Director
Non-executive Director
Prior to establishing Critical Metals PLC, Mr. Fryer was the co-founder and Executive Chairman of Western Uranium Corporation, a Canadian listed uranium and vanadium explorer. Prior to Western Uranium Corporation, Mr Fryer was also the Non-Executive Chairman of Ecometals Limited, a Canadian mining company focused on South American bulk and precious metals. Before Ecometals, Mr Fryer was Managing Director covering the natural resources sector for North Sound Capital LLC, an investment advisor based in Greenwich, Connecticut. Mr. Fryer joined North Sound in 2006 from Deutsche Bank, where he had been a Director in Emerging Market Equities. Prior to that, Mr. Fryer was a Director in Emerging Market Equities at HSBC in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Over the course of his 28-year investment career, Mr. Fryer has travelled extensively obtaining on-the-ground understanding of the natural resources sector. In addition to this significant international travel, Mr. Fryer was based in Africa from 1987 to 2004. While there, Mr. Fryer gained knowledge of many of the properties he continues to follow and developed relationships at both senior and working levels throughout the industry. During his time in Africa, Mr. Fryer wrote investment columns for various news sources such as South African Smart Investor and the Sunday Business Times.
Mr Eastman is a Chartered Accountant (Australian qualified) with a number of years’ experience in financial management and corporate advisory services, primarily in the natural resources sector, along with extensive experience in the public company environment, having been a director and company secretary of a number of ASX and AIM junior mining and oil & gas focused companies. He has previously worked with Ernst & Young and CalEnergy Gas Ltd, a subsidiary of the Berkshire Hathaway Group of Companies in both Australia and the United Kingdom.
Mr Edwards-Jones is an Executive Chairman of Phoenix Copper Ltd, the AIM quoted North American focused base and precious metals exploration and development company. He is also Managing Director (and co-founder) of Lloyd Edwards-Jones S.A.S, a Paris and Dubai-based finance boutique specialising in selling equities to institutional clients and advising and introducing resources companies to an extensive client base in the UK, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Prior to founding Lloyd Edwards-Jones S.A.S, Mr. Edwards-Jones held senior positions with Julius Baer, and was head of UK/Continental European equity sales at Credit Lyonnais Securities in London. Mr. Edwards-Jones has significant experience in worldwide institutional capital raisings for UK, Australian & Canadian listed and unlisted companies predominately in the mining and resources sectors. He is a former director of Georgian Mining Corp. Mr Edwards-Jones graduated from Oxford University with an MA in Ancient & Modern History.
Critical Metals Plc was formed to make investments into operators or near production operators. The Company initially intends to undertake an acquisition or acquisitions of equity interests in target companies or businesses (which will be deemed to trigger a reverse takeover in accordance with the Listing Rules (the “RTO”), within the natural resources development and production sector in the continent of Africa (the “Initial Acquisitions”). At least one of the Initial Acquisitions will be for a majority equity interest to establish control of an operating entity, but the Company may also acquire significant minority equity interests, in target entities which are operators of near production or in protection natural resources in the continent of Africa.
Following the RTO the Company will also undertake all or some of the following: (i) invest in a portfolio of private debt facilities in companies or businesses (each a “Debt Interest” and together the “Debt Interests”) or (ii) undertake acquisitions of equity interests in target companies or businesses (each an “Acquisition” and together the “Acquisitions”) (the Initial Acquisitions, Debt Interests and Acquisitions together being the “Investments” and each an “Investment”).
In the future an additional reverse takeover may be progressed by the Company if it is considered to further the strategy of investment into the natural resources development and production sector in the continent of Africa for the benefit of the shareholders of the Company.
Further details about the Company’s Investment Strategy can be found in the Prospectus.